Homework for Tuesday April 27th

Five blogs dedicated to doughnuts:

I thought this site might find my press release interesting considering the blogger admitted they hadn’t updated their blog in forever. It’s a blog about doughnut shops making sandwiches out of their doughnuts.

This blog is a review bashing Dunkin Donuts and I thought the blogger might want to take a look at Holesome Donuts and review their doughnuts.

This blogger dedicated her blog to doughnut shops around the nation and also mentioned that she wanted to eat as many doughnuts as she could, at as many different donut shops across the United States. She also writes that anyone with information about good doughnuts should contact her, so I think this blog would also be a good target for my press release.

This post is about a girl going to a different doughnut shop every week for one year. I Thought she would be interested to visit Holesome Donut in her quest to find the perfect doughnut. 

This final blog post is a blogger writing about saving the doughnut industry in general. He writes that because of the no carb craze, certain people working in the sugar industry are losing their jobs. I believe he was really trying to mock the no carb trend and get people to laugh all the way to Krispy Kreme , but I thought he might get a kick out of a doughnut shop thriving and wanting to open more stores around the Sun Belt.

3 Responses to “Homework for Tuesday April 27th”

  1. dkois says:

    Honestly, a better outlet for this news is not donut-related blogs but blogs related to Alabama business and job creation. These seem to mostly be random people writing about donuts who won’t necessarily care about a donut factory. 3/5.

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