Stovall excerise 5.10 Pg 129
On Sunday morning three students were admitted to the local hospital for alcohol poisoning, leaving Al Amelak, freshman majoring in liberal arts, in critical condition.
Press Martin, junior in engineering and Rob Smith, sophomore in business, were released Monday morning.
With the recent deaths of a student at LSU and one at MIT due to alcohol poisoning this comes at a time when concern for drinking at college parties is high.
The initial investigation of what happened to these three students indicates they were at the ABZ fraternity house. The fraternity and its activities have been suspended indefinitely, according to a statement given by the university.
Two weeks prior to the incident, university President Harvey Smithville, released a statement banning alcohol from fraternity houses. Those found with alcohol will be suspended. A second offense within a year will result in a five year banning of the fraternity.
Bart Addison, Interfraternity Council president, stated “…I do not believe that the entire fraternity should be held responsible for the actions of a few. I am going to ask President Smithville to reconsider his suspension of the ABZs.”
The university is considering increasing its police patrols of fraternity houses on the weekends.
Pretty good lead, although consider how you could tie in the suspension of the frat as well. More info could be packed into that lead.